December 24, 2005
Subject: TaubmanSucks
I just came across your site today.
It took me a little while to read all of it (probably about 5-7 hours).
Yet I didn't even read all of it. I kinda skipped through all the legal mumble jumble.
I also feel that if they would have communicated in a more professional manner (the constant
bombardment of counters to counters of counters for counters by counters), things probably would
have turned out in a more positive solution.
I commend your attorney (Paul Levy) for jumping in there to help you out in a situation that you
probably won't be able to pay him. More people need to do that.
I personally think you should have been awarded more money then what you were given.
I don't know the company in question, but I probably won't shop there.
I will do my part by passing the link around.